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Syria kills terrorist ringleaders, confiscates Israeli weapons

Damascus, May 9 (Prensa Latina) Syria's Security Forces on Tuesday killed two ringleaders of the Islamic State terrorist group (Daesh, in Arabic) and confiscated their weapons, some of which were Israeli-made.

Hassan al-Hayek and Nabil al-Abdullah, two of the most dangerous Daesh leaders, were gunned down in an operation in Dara’a province, some 100 kilometers south of Damascus, military sources, quoted by official media, stated.

They explained that the extremists were involved in dozens of assassinations, bombings, and attacks on civilians and military personnel in Dara’a province.

According to sources, the security forces found Israeli weapons, including automatic rifles, pistols, and a Sonobal machine gun, in the possession of the radical groups.

In January 2023, Syrian security forces announced the elimination of terrorist Muhammad Ali al-Shaghouri, one of the leaders of the Daesh group, in an operation conducted by security forces in western Dara’a.

Syria has repeatedly asserted that criminal actions by Israel and Daesh prove that they are two sides of the same coin, and denounced coordination between the two to target civilians and soldiers.
