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Europeans maneuver into the Arctic dismissing Russia’s warnings

Stockholm, May 17 (Prensa Latina) Dismissing Russia's repeated warnings to the West to prevent the Arctic from militarization, 14 European countries will be at the Arctic Challenge Exercise 2023 (ACE23) military maneuvers, reported the Swedish Ministry of Defense.

In addition to Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, the latter a new member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), are in charge of arranging the war games.

The exercises, which will be held from May 29 to June 9, will involve the participation of 120 bombers and farsighted early warning aircrafts as well as 2,700 military personnel from 14 nations, according to a statement issued by the aforementioned ministry.

The goal of ACE 2023 is to train pilots from different countries and various types of aircrafts to act in large groups and imitate actions in case of real danger and the use of anti-aircraft systems, the Swedish agency added.

Moscow has repeatedly spoken out in favor of maintaining demilitarized the Arctic in clear reference to what it deems to be NATO’s attempt to deploy its military arsenal there in detriment of the security of northern Europe.

In addition to the aforementioned countries, the maneuvers will involve Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, France, the Czech Republic and countries from other regions such as the United States and Canada, as well as NATO’s remotely piloted aircraft (AWACS).
