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Demand in Argentina to remove Cuba from list of US Terrorist list

Buenos Aires, May 21 (Prensa Latina) United States President Joe Biden must remove Cuba from an ignominious list of alleged state sponsors of terrorism, Argentinean political scientist Atilio Boron demanded on Sunday.

In an article published in the Pagina 12 newspaper, the sociologist recalled his last meeting with the recently deceased Cuban intellectual Iroel Sanchez, with whom he agreed that this “decision made by former President Donald Trump is an infamous resolution.”

If something characterizes Cuba, it is precisely the fact that it has been a victim of terrorism promoted by the mafia entrenched in Miami, with shadowy characters such as Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch and their thugs, who enjoyed the protection of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), he said.

He recalled that Cuba has suffered for more than six decades from Washington’s economic terrorism that is expressed in the economic, commercial and financial blockade, imposed in open violation of human rights and the United Nations Charter.

According to Richard Nephew, one of the theorists and proponents of that policy, it is about surgically inflicting as much suffering as possible on the sanctioned people to provoke an insurrection against governments that Washington does not like, Boron added.

According to the Argentinean scholar, despite so many defamations and attacks, Cuba has the moral prestige that the United States lacks, as the latter is responsible for so many crimes and attacks on all five continents.

Removing Cuba from that infamous list, which further aggravates the suffering caused by the blockade, is an act of strict justice and moral integrity, he asserted.

Boron also condemned the persecution or blackmail of intellectuals, artists or public figures and celebrities from Cuba, the cyber bullying unleashed from Miami, and the fake news released daily to sow discouragement, confusion and anger in the population.
