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President of Ecuador may seek re-election despite his unpopularity

Quito, May 25 (Prensa Latina) The leader of the "Creando Oportunidades" party of Ecuador and Minister of Social Inclusion, Esteban Bernal, stated that it will become known soon if President Guillermo Lasso will seek his re-election in the extraordinary elections.

Bernal told the press that the priority is for Lasso to run on behalf of his political force, even though his popular support barely reaches 10 percent, as recent surveys indicate.

During his report to the nation, Lasso did not mention that possibility, and last week he told The Washington Post that he would not run as a candidate.

After presenting his work report on May 24th, on the occasion of the second anniversary of his term, Lasso traveled to the United States for medical intervention; his return is scheduled for May 28th.

The 17 registered parties are working on their lists, and some potential presidential candidates have already been named.

Some of them are Jan Topic, economist and security expert, backed by the Christian Social Party; Fernando Villavicencio, a former legislator who defended Lasso during the impeachment process and supported by the “Construye” Movement; Yaku Pérez, former candidate in the 2021 presidential elections, backed by the “Democracia Sí” party and the “Somos Agua” movement.

The Citizen Revolution movement revealed that it is in a permanent session to define the strategy for its campaign and elect its presidential team, although it does not rule out alliances.

On its behalf, the Pachakutik party has asked the leader of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador, Leonidas Iza, to run as a candidate.
