Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Syrian women showcase their creations and products at two fairs

Damascus, Jun 24 (Prensa Latina) Dozens of Syrian women presented today their artistic creations, handicrafts and the products of their own projects established during the war, in two fairs inaugurated in the north and center of the country.

In the city of Aleppo, some 400 kilometers north of this capital, 120 women participated in an exhibition organized by the Committee of Women Entrepreneurs and the Chamber of Industry of that city, under the slogan “Women of Aleppo: challenge, resilience and creativity”.

The ladies offered their handmade products such as embroidery, clothes, decorative accessories, paintings on glass, artistic wooden pieces, candlesticks, sweets and jams, all typical of the locality.

The head of the Chamber of Industry, Fares Al-Shehabi,commented that the exhibition has been organized since 2015 when terrorists besieged some neighborhoods of Aleppo, and shows that the women of the city are able to stand firm and creative, and can overcome all difficulties and challenges.

In turn, head of the Women Entrepreneurs Committee, Anie Markossian, stated that the exhibition includes a number of products of women who are outstanding in their work and who contributed to the national production.

Also, 55 women exhibited their artistic products at a fair under the theme Creativity XII, which opened in the city of Homs, some 180 kilometers north of this capital.

The young women displayed the fruits of their manual and handicraft work including ornaments, candlesticks, handicrafts, embroidery, accessories and flowers that combined heritage with modernity to satisfy the tastes of the public.
