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Colombian Communist Party ratified its duty with social justice

Bogotá, Jul 18 (Prensa Latina) Yesterday, the Colombian Communist Party (PCC) in a message to the nation on the occasion of its 93rd anniversary expressed its commitment to the struggles for social justice.

“On July 17, 1930, the Colombian Communist Party was born as heir of the indigenous, peasant, women and workers struggles, that took place in the country at the beginning of the 20th century,” he said.

He recalled that the PCC was the first political organization that adopted a Marxist program, that is why since its foundation it has contributed along with other actors to the preparation of the road which will lead us to the achievement of an anti-imperialist revolution.

“During its 93 years of existence we have fought together with the people to achieve social justice, real democracy and integral peace as central pillars of socialism”, he pointed out.

Hence, the Party has undertaken the historic task of forging the unity of the oppressed classes, in order to create a new vision of the world with better conditions for the next generations, he added.

He stressed that unity has been the central element to turn around the political history of the country, demonstrating that the existing is not the only possible reality, but that, on the contrary, there is a whole horizon that puts in the hands of the people the possibilities of advancing in a new direction, guided by the principle of collective will.

Unity between broad democratic and popular sectors is precisely what has allowed this leftist political force to consolidate for the first time in Colombia a progressive government.

It is a government committed in its program to carry out several social reforms that will be the spearhead to break with the misery and hunger caused by the neoliberal model, he said.

“Now, our task is to continue raising the banner of peace. The Party’s thesis on the negotiated political solution is still in force, and constitutes a significant step to strengthen democracy”, he emphasized.

To materialize the fulfillment of what was signed in the Final Agreement with the FARC-EP, to install the dialogue tables with the insurgencies and to guarantee the necessary conditions to start a negotiation, are measures supported by the CCP, he said.

He saluted the People’s Republic of China, and the People’s Republic of Vietnam guided today by the glorious communist parties, social, political and cultural vanguard of both peoples, which reminds us that communism is the youth of the world.
