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Lula optimistic about possible conclusion of accord EU-Mercosur

Brussels, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva acknowledged here today that he feels very optimistic about the possibility of finalizing the agreement between the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the European Union (EU) this year.

“For the first time, I am optimistic that we will conclude the agreement this year,” Lula told reporters in Brussels, where he participated Monday and Tuesday in the Third Summit between the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac).

He considered it very good to be able to conclude this pact under the command of Spain in the Council of the EU.

“What could not be done in 2010 can be done in 2023 and also during my presidency in Mercosur,” he said.

Two days ago, the Brazilian head of state stated he expects a close of 2023 with a balanced arrangement between both blocks.

In his opening speech at the economic forum that preceded the Celac and EU summit, he assured Brazil is going to fulfill its part on the climate issue.

“We have a commitment to zero deforestation in the Amazon until 2030. This is a commitment we make before, during and after a political campaign,” he said.

The negotiation for the agreement between the EU and Mercosur (made up by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay) was partially concluded in 2019. This year, however, the Europeans sent an additional letter that provides for sanctions on environmental issues, which the Brazilian head of state came to classify as a threat.

Also in his address, Lula cited the importance of government purchases (those carried out by the public power for the acquisition of goods, services and works through bidding) for the country’s economy, one of the obstacles to the agreement between Mercosur and the EU.

He promised the European bloc “a new Brazil, fairer and more supportive” and defended that the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean make up a region with many investment and consumption opportunities.

“We need investments in social and urban infrastructure”, certified the Brazilian president, accompanied by the president of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez.

He insisted that his government is building this new Brazil without forgetting the “macroeconomic commitments” and that the South American giant returned to the international scene to contribute to the fight against challenges such as the climate crisis or the increase in inequality.

“We are going to try to show that it is possible to produce and grow sustainably,” he stressed.
