Monday, June 17, 2024
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Fidel Castro Tribute precedes solidarity meeting in Santiago de Cuba

Santiago de Cuba, Jul 24 (Prensa Latina) Yesterday, fresh flowers in front of the monolith with the ashes of Fidel Castro was the initial gesture of solidarity activists, who participated in a meeting to defend the Cuban Revolution.

In the patrimonial cemetery of Santa Ifigenia, those offerings were extended to the National Hero José Martí; to the initiator of the independence efforts, Carlos M. de Céspedes, and to the Mother of the Homeland, Mariana Grajales.

The Caribbean Meeting of Solidarity with Cuba and other just causes began in an atmosphere of patriotic exaltation, with only three days left for the central celebration of the 70th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada´s Garrison, an event that marked the definitive stage in the revolutionary triumph.

At the University of Oriente, one of the main venues of the event that gives continuity to the 9th Assembly of the Peoples of the region, held a little more than a year ago in the city, activists of fraternity and friendship among peoples from different latitudes gathered.

More than 300 activists from about 25 countries, will be among those involved, including: the Latin American and Caribbean Brigades; Juan Rius Rivera, from Puerto Rico; Ernesto Che Guevara, from Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain; Gino Done, from Italy; Venceremos, from the United States and the Caravans of Brazil and Pastors for Peace, from the United States.

The participants will be present, on the 26th of July, at the central commemoration in the esplanade of the former military fortress converted into a school by the Revolution, the same place where several Latin American and Caribbean presidents gathered on that date in 2013.
