Friday, July 26, 2024
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Panama’s independent presidential candidate favors a dignified life

Panama, Jul 27 (Prensa Latina) With a view to the 2024 general elections in Panama, Independent Presidential Pre-candidate Maribel Gordon presented her government program, called Plan for a Dignified Life, on Wednesday.

Before members of social and popular organizations, gathered in a hotel in this capital, the economist who represents progressive forces, as she has expressed, pointed out that she proposes to end the monopolistic and oligopolistic structures in medicines, food and fuel.

The academic added that hope is already coming to implement a drastic decrease in the prices of medicines and health items in general, to end the high prices and shortages of drugs in the Social Security Fund.

It is also vital, she said, to ensure all citizens the human right to healthy food, through an alliance with agricultural producers to guarantee adequate levels of prices and supplies.

She added that with her proposal, she will make it possible the progressiveness of the income tax, “where those who earn more, pay more, to end tax evasion, recovering the amounts lost and allocating them in favor of national and social development,” Gordon remarked.

The politician emphasized that the hope expected by Panamanians is also associated to the construction of a truly democratic, equitable, participatory and socially just society, where solidarity and unrestricted respect for all human rights prevail.
