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Media in El Salvador addresses Cardinal’s statements

San Salvador, Aug 1 (Prensa Latina) Media in El Salvador addressed statements by Cardinal Gregorio Rosa Chávez on the situation in the country.

“There is a strong crisis of leadership in the country”, the El Mundo newspaper published, while the pro-government Diario El Salvador refrained from reporting on the statements of both the Cardinal and Archbishop of San Salvador José Luis Escobar.

El Mundo pointed out that the cardinal sees a climate of terror that “prevents valuable people from contributing,” in reference to the absence of opposition.

The conservative newspaper highlighted that Rosa Chavez assured that “It is necessary to overcome fear, to believe in the human being, who is capable of the best.”

Last Sunday, Escobar described for the first time as “evident” that six articles of the Constitution of the Republic absolutely prohibit the immediate presidential reelection and that the Constitutional Chamber voted “in favor” of the same, interpreting Article 152 of the Constitution, the newspaper added.

In his statements on Monday, Rosa Chávez also rejected the decrees approved by the Legislative Assembly to try the persons detained during the exception regime established since March 27, 2022.

Other media outlets such as La Prensa Grafica and the newspaper La Pagina refrained from reporting on the statements from the major religious leaders of the country.
