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Ecuadorians must cast their vote otherwise be fined

Quito, Aug 7 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador’s National Electoral Council (CNE) announced on Monday to fine of up to $ 9 ,000 on nationals not casting their vote on August 20.

According to CNE, for these extraordinary presidential and legislative elections, the same electoral roll and logistics will be used as in the sectional elections on February 5.

In this regard, the CNE warned that voting is compulsory in Ecuador; therefore, if a citizen does not go to the polls or does not integrate the voting tables, he/she is exposed to significant fines.

Fines payment’s exemption can be for legal mandate, health reasons or physical impediment, which must be accompanied by a medical certificate, serious domestic calamity occurred on the elections’ day or up to eight days earlier, which must be duly justified.

Likewise, citizens residing abroad or arrived on election day, or health system workers (doctors, nurses, medical students and related services) would be exempted from fines, but only if they were on duty during the elections, cleared the CNE.
