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Voting on amendments to the Chilean Constitution will begin

Santiago de Chile, Aug 28 (Prensa Latina) The Constitutional Council of Chile will begin voting on the more than a thousand proposed amendments to the draft of the new Constitution, intended to replace the one imposed during the Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990).

The draft was drawn up by a committee of experts appointed equally by the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and then passed on to the Council for final version.

Amendments were incorporated in the process, most of which were presented by the extreme right and the conservative parties, which may limit guarantees established for the population, among them the voluntary interruption of pregnancy for three reasons (rape, if the fetus has malformations, or if the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother); workers’ right to strike; and the preeminence of international agreements on human rights over local laws.

The committee voting process is subject to several rules, such as prioritizing amendments aimed at deleting an original text, continuing with those that add content, and leaving for last new initiatives, that is, those not contained in the compilation.

The rules also establish the favorable vote of three-fifths of each team for the approval of the amendments.

The commissions of Principles, Civil and Political Rights; Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights and of the Political System, Constitutional Reform and Form of State will be working during this Monday.

A survey released on Sunday indicates that 58 percent of citizens are unaware of the work of the Constitutional Council, 42% said they felt caution and skepticism about the draft, and only three said they were enthusiastic.
