Friday, July 26, 2024
name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Schools open in Pinar del Rio province on due time

Pinar del Rio, Cuba, Sep 4 (Prensa Latina) The 596 schools located in the western Cuban province of Pinar del Rio opened their doors on Monday, following education workers’ effort to start the new school year on due time.

All workers have been making their big effort, so that over 80,000 students could attend classrooms, the provincial director of Education Evelio Herrera said.

It is a hard year given Hurricane Idalia which ravaged 52 of our schools just before the beginning of the school term; in addition to the 127 affected schools earlier due to Hurricane Ian in September 2022; thus, we have to redouble our efforts, Herrera pointed.

We have taken some steps to create conditions, where these are not optimal, and not to slow down the teaching process, he argued.

The start of the new school year was held at the Alfonso Valdes special center, located in the southern municipality of San Juan y Martinez, which houses 56 children with special educational needs.

Over 10, 000 teachers will be in charge of training and educating students who will return to classrooms in September, a fact disrupted by the impact of Covid-19 in Cuba.
