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Book on Allende’s ties with Algeria launched in Chile (+Photos)

Santiago, Chile, Sep 5 (Prensa Latina) The book “Chile y Argelia: una historia de mutua solidaridad” (Chile and Algeria: a history of mutual solidarity) was launched at the Summit for Democracy and Human Rights, which is taking place in the Recoleta district of this capital on Tuesday.

The book deals about the deep relationship of Salvador Allende, first as a parliamentarian and then as a socialist leader, with the struggle of the Algerian people for their decolonization, author Esteban Silva told Prensa Latina.

He recalled that when Allende assumed the presidency in 1970, Chile joined the Non-Aligned Movement and in that context he built a close bond with Algerian President Houari Boumédiene and visited that country in 1972.

After the coup d’état in Chile, Algeria broke diplomatic relations with the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship and welcomed hundreds of Chilean families who contributed to building a history that unites both peoples, despite their geographical distance, he said.

The text was launched during the International Memory, Future and Human Rights Book Fair, one of summer events that will run until September 9.

Esteban Silva is president of the XXI Foundation Constituent and a member of the International Association of Friends of the Algerian Revolution.
