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Botswana advocates increasing South-South cooperation at G77 Summit

Havana, Sep 15 (Prensa Latina) Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi on Friday called on the member countries of the Group of 77 and China (G77+China) to increase South-South cooperation to face the multiple challenges of the world.

Speaking on the first day of debates at the Summit of Heads of State of that bloc, held at Havana’s International Conference Center, Masisi described the meeting as crucial to review the problems facing the region conscientiously and collaborate mutually to achieve an effective response and innovative solutions.

The president referred in particular to the main theme of the Summit, “Current Development Challenges: Role of Science, Technology and Innovation,”, and highlighted that in these spheres there are many challenges for the Global South after the Covid-19 pandemic that stalked the world.

We must share best practices, promote the transfer of technology, the president of Botswana said after pointing out that the Global South is still impacted by Covid-19, climate change, economic disruptions and social inequalities, challenges that affected efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), he said.

Likewise, he ratified his country’s commitment to advancing in a coordinated manner in mechanisms to promote innovation, and to do so, they initiated programs that promote greater connectivity in the country or the creation of an agenda inspired by the need for collective inclusion, with a vision transformative.

Almost at the end of his speech, the president stressed that no country can face all the challenges that the world is experiencing on its own, he appealed again to international cooperation and urged the African Union to dedicate one percent of its GDP to research and other crucial demands.
