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China advocates global governance reform at G77 Summit

Havana, Sep 15 (Prensa Latina) China on Friday joined the demand made at the G77+China Summit in Havana for a reform of global governance towards a fairer and more reasonable course, and in defense of South-South cooperation.

This was expressed by Li Xi, member of the Permanent Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), who is participating in the event attended by representatives of more than 100 member countries of the bloc.

She affirmed that the current world is experiencing a context nuanced by the strengthening of developing countries, of profound transformations in the correlation of international forces and where a significant increase in South-South cooperation, both in quantity and quality, prevails.

She also urged to maintain the momentum of the collective rise of the less industrialized States, and to promote the stable growth of the world economy in a scenario in which unilateralism and hegemonism resort at will to coercive practices such as unilateral sanctions.

In this context, she expressed, China is willing to work together with Cuba and other members of the G77 to open a new chapter of cooperation and solidarity, while advocating to build a community of shared future for the global south with a view to starting a new era of common development.

She insisted on defending the founding values of the Group, strengthening it through unity, fighting for independence and against exploitation and oppression.

She praised Cuba’s management of the Group during this year, which, as he noted, has made active efforts and positive contributions to unite the forces of the countries that comprise it, to face global challenges and safeguard interests in pursuit of development.

The G77+China, whose Summit will conclude here on Saturday, is the most diverse consultation group in the multilateral sphere, with 134 member States representing two-thirds of the United Nations and 80 percent of the world’s population.
