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France´s PCF launches campaign against U.S. blockade

Paris, Sep 15 (Prensa Latina) The French Communist Party (PCF) launched Friday at the Fête de l'Humanité Festival a campaign opposing the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba.

At PCF’s stand, its National Secretary Fabien Roussel considered the initiative necessary to reinforce in France and at the European level the struggle against the US policy imposed for more than 60 years.

Communist Deputy André Chassaigne, president of the France-Cuba Group of the National Assembly, claimed that silence is not an option ahead of the blockade, which he described as a war of U.S. imperialism.

Chassaigne said that during a recent parliamentary visit paid to Cuba he was able to check how the hostile and unjust US blockade stifles the Cuban people, including a such a sensitive sector as children’s health.

The young PCF leader Charlotte Balavoine also stressed the significance of this campaign, particularly to dismantle lies about Cuba that Washington wields to justify its hostile blockade.

The communists strongly condemned the extraterritorial character of the US blockade and called for world solidarity with Cuba. In this regard, they urged to capitalize on their campaign to promote political and economic support and cooperation with Cuba.

Invited to the launching of this initiative, the Spanish MEP Manu Pineda thanked the PCF for its campaign and praised the Cuban people´s resistance ahead of imperialist aggressions.

The head of the Cuban delegation to the Fête de l’Humanité, the member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Council of State Elier Ramirez, and the Cuban Ambassador to France Otto Vaillant expressed their gratitude for the solidarity support.

Ramirez repudiated the incalculable human damage caused by the blockade and the intensification of that policy with measures such as the inclusion of the island in the unilateral U.S. list of countries sponsoring terrorism.
