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Egypt calls on Israel to stop violence on Palestinian territories

Cairo, Sep 22 (Prensa Latina) Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry called on Israel to stop the escalation of violence on the occupied Palestinian territories, due to the danger it poses to the Middle East.

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a press release that Shoukry’s call came at a meeting in New York with his Israeli counterpart, Eli Cohen, on the sidelines of the 78th United Nations General Assembly.

According to the text, the head of Egyptian diplomacy warned that the wave of violence pushed away the possibility of achieving peace.

Abu Zeid stressed that a comprehensive and just peace is the only guarantee to achieve prosperity, stability, and peaceful coexistence in the region, based on restoring Palestinians’ rights, including establishing an independent State with East Jerusalem as its capital.

This week, Egypt issued separate statements criticizing the Israeli settlers’ incursions into the Esplanade of the Mosques in East Jerusalem and the Army’s systematic attacks on the Palestinian population in the West Bank.
