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Argentine Communists express support for Cuba after attack

Buenos Aires, Sep 29 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of Argentina (PCA) expressed its support for Cuba after a terrorist attack on the Cuban Embassy in the United States, an action that the organization described as very serious in a message released on Friday.

Last Sunday night, an individual threw two Molotov cocktails over the perimeter fence of the facility, hitting the façade of the Cuban Embassy in Washington.

The lack of security guarantees for the Cuban diplomatic mission was added to the aggressive and intensified economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed on the homeland of José Martí (1853-1895) and Fidel Castro (1926-2016), according to a communiqué issued by the PCA.

The event took place after the remarkable success of the G77+China Summit held in Havana, and the participation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel in the United Nations General Assembly, as well as the the extraordinary solidarity received by the Cuban delegation from the people of New York, it pointed out.

The PCA noted that the attack “is part of a climate of growing promotion of hatred, authoritarianism and wars from the cenacles of Yankee imperialism, which encourages the policies of an extreme right wing that combines new forms of fascism and neoliberalism throughout the world.”

From Argentina, a nation that faces the real danger of that terrible ideology reaching the government, we are in full solidarity with our revolutionary sister Cuba, a substantial part of our Latin American and Caribbean region, the message stated.

The PCA also demanded the end of the blockade and the Cuba’s removal from Washington’s unilateral list of alleged sponsors of terrorism.
