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Chileans call to reject Constitution made by the extreme right

Santiago de Chile, Oct 7 (Prensa Latina) Members of political parties, academics, journalists and other professionals in Chile are calling to reject the draft Constitution drawn up by the extreme right and its allies from conservative groups.

The proposal, which will be submitted to a plebiscite with a mandatory vote on December 17, will inevitably deepen the neoliberal model and promote the denial of the crimes committed by the Augusto Pinochet dictatorship (1973-1990), they said.

According to the prestigious economist Manuel Riesco, vice president of the Center for National Studies of Alternative Development, the institution was opposed to the way the process was being developed from the beginning.

Human rights lawyer Hugo Gutiérrez recalled that the Chilean people spoke out for a new Constitution on October 25, 2020, when an agreement was signed to end the social outbreak that began a year earlier. However, the initiative was captured by the extreme right, which defends its own interests and those of the big economic power, and therefore must be rejected.

Former political prisoner Vasili Carrillo, son of a man who was executed by the military regime, recalled that the proposed Constitution was written behind the people’s backs and ignores fundamental rights of women and indigenous communities.

During the vote in the Constitutional Council, which ended this week, the extremist Republican Party and the right-wing Chile Vamos coalition imposed their absolute majority to draft a more restrictive text than the current Constitution, made by the dictatorship.
