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Ecuador declares a state of emergency in the power sector

Quito, Oct 18 (Prensa Latina) Ecuador on Wednesday declared a state of emergency in the country’s electricity sector by ministerial agreement, the Ministry of Energy and Mining announced on the afternoon of October 18.

The declaration, the state portfolio explained, aims to speed up the energy contracting processes and optimize the resources of the country’s power companies.

A delicate electricity situation for Ecuador: higher energy prices from Colombia, lower reservoirs and a lack of solutions

The ministry acknowledged that Ecuador is currently facing low flow in tributaries in the Amazon region and rain delays in the western region, due to the impact of the El Niño phenomenon.

“There is a restriction on the sale of energy by Colombia and a significant increase in its price. In addition, the country is experiencing unusual growth in energy demand,” said the CEO.

“By declaring a state of emergency, we are speeding up energy contracting processes in order to provide sufficient and timely electrical services throughout the country,” added the Ministry of Energy and Mining, adding that the declaration also allows the Quito Electric Company to produce additional energy along with distribution in an agile and transparent process.

Plus, the ministerial agreement mandates the immediate re-commissioning of the Machala Termogás power plant, with the aim of maximizing its operating capacity.
