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Arab League defends Guterres from Israeli attacks

Cairo, Oct 25 (Prensa Latina) The Arab League today criticized the Israeli attacks against UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, considering them an open attempt at terrorism and moral and political blackmail.

Guterres’ words expressed his solid moral and principled position consistent with his duties, said in New York the leader of the pan-Arab organization, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, according to a statement released in this capital, headquarters of the League.

Guterres’ speech was an expression of international law, which is a pillar of the UN’s work, he stressed.

The shameful attack against him is aimed at silencing all voices that tell the stark truth about the cause of the Palestinian people, he said.

During a meeting yesterday of the UN Security Council, Guterres rejected the operation carried out by Hamas on October 7, but said it did not happen from nothing, alluding to that country’s historic occupation of Palestinian land.

The Palestinian people are subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation, they have seen their lands devoured by settlements and ravaged by violence, while their inhabitants are displaced and their homes demolished, he denounced.

Following those comments, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, accused him of “defending terrorism” and announced that his country was denying visas to UN officials.

“We have already denied a visa to the Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Martin Griffiths (…) The time has come to teach them a lesson”, Erdan affirmed in declarations to Army Radio.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen, informed on the social network X that he cancelled a meeting with the top figure of the international organization.

Also the former Defense Minister and member of the war cabinet created by Benjamin Netanyahu, Benny Gantz, accused Guterres of “approving terrorism”.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday condemned the Israeli statements as unjustified and premeditated.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Palestinian Emigrants affirmed that the words against the UN leader were a lack of respect and compromise practiced by the occupying power against the international body.
