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name of Prensa Latina
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name of Prensa Latina



Warm meetings of Cuban delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (+Photos)

Luanda, Oct 27 (Prensa Latina) The Cuban delegation to the 147th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), headed by the Vice President of the Parliament Ana Maria Mari, held warm meetings with representatives of other countries.

In the plenary hall where the event takes place, at the headquarters of the National Assembly of Angola, the Cuban delegation exchanged with parliamentarians from Mozambique and the head of the Legislative of that country, Esperança Bias.

During the brief meeting, the Cuban vice-president handed Bias a letter of invitation to visit the island, sent by the president of the Parliament, Esteban Lazo.

On Friday, the Cuban delegation also spoke with the Vice President of the National Assembly of Vietnam, Nguyen Khac Dinh, who heads the delegation of that nation to the IPU Assembly.

The day before, the Cubans spoke briefly with the head of the Parliament of Senegal, Amadou Mame Diop, with whom they also shared their interest in strengthening relations between the legislatures.
