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Egypt and Arab League back UN call for Gaza truce

Cairo, Oct 28 (Prensa Latina) Egypt and the Arab League stressed the importance of a resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly calling for a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip, under Israeli bombardment for the past 22 days.

“This decision was supported by peace-loving nations around the world,” Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said in a brief statement posted on social media.

We hope to soon witness the end of violence in Gaza and the preservation of the population, he said.

The general secretary of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, estimated that the adoption of the text by a majority of 120 votes reflects the true international will. It was approved far from the “veto authority”, the official stressed, alluding to the United States, which had previously used its prerogatives in the Security Council to bury a similar draft.

The new vote indicates a clear trend in international public opinion to reject the on going war, due to the continuing humanitarian catastrophe it provokes, Aboul Gheit said in a statement.

He stressed that the resolution emphasizes the protection of civilians, the opening of humanitarian corridors and the need to comply with international law.

The proposal was approved yesterday by 120 votes in favor, 14 against and 45 abstentions, following the rejection of a Canadian amendment, supported by the United States, condemning the “terrorist attacks” by Hamas on October 7.
