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Leaders of India, Egypt call for peace and stability in Middle East

New Delhi, Oct 29 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, and the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, reportedly share in a telephone conversation their concern about Israel's war against Palestinian territories.

The two leaders agreed on the need for an early restoration of peace and stability, a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office indicated, adding that they also expressed their concern about terrorism, violence and the loss of civilian lives.

The prime minister reiterated to the Egyptian president India’s long-standing and principled position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and highlighted his country’s development partnership and humanitarian assistance to the people of Palestine, the official source said.

Recently, Modi also exchanged views with King Abdullah II of Jordan on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israel’s massacre in the Palestinian territories has provoked massive protests in India by political parties, solidarity groups and the majority of the people in general.

This Sunday, the Communist-Marxist Party of India, CPI(M), hold a massive demonstration in support of the Palestinian cause and for an end to Israel’s genocidal aggression in the Gaza Strip.

As part of the demonstration, members of the central committee and its Political Bureau stages a sit-in on Sunday in one of the main thoroughfares of New Delhi, as reported on social networks.
