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Cuba denounces in France the effects of the United States blockade

Paris, Oct 31 (Prensa Latina) Otto Vaillant, Cuba's ambassador to France, denounced today in this capital the impact of the U.S. economic, commercial and financial blockade against Cuba and its extraterritorial impact.

At a press conference, the diplomat addressed the economic and human consequences of more than 60 years of siege, which he described as genocidal for its aim of stifling an entire country, on the eve of the beginning of discussions at the UN General Assembly on a new draft resolution demanding an end to the blockade.

Cuba is facing an undeclared war by the United States, a genocidal policy that seeks to harm, cause hunger and destroy the dreams and dignity of a country, he stressed in the meeting with journalists, which was also attended by members of the Diplomatic Corps, representatives of French associations and Cuban residents.

Together with the ambassador to UNESCO, Yahima Esquivel, Vaillant commented that last year the Gross Domestic Product of Cuba would have grown nine percent if it had not been for Washington’s permanent aggression.

In that sense, he warned that Cuba suffers monthly damages estimated at 405 million dollars, more than 13 million dollars a day.
