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FM Al-Mekdad describes Western support for genocide as racist

Damascus, Nov 5 (Prensa Latina) Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Faisal Al-Mekdad said on Sunday that racism and complicity characterize the policies of Western governments that support Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian victims are not mere numbers but flesh and blood human beings, and the leaders of the collective West are blinded by denying the extermination of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza, the foreign minister posted on his X account.

The diplomat criticized the measures taken to suppress any support for Palestine such as incarcerating any protester crying out to stop Israel’s massacres, and imposing economic sanctions on any entity that denounces Tel Aviv, he said.

Al-Mekdad explained that the Palestinian death toll now exceeds 10,000 victims, including 3,900 children, while 1,250 minors are still under the rubble, 150 medical experts were killed, and 57 ambulances were destroyed.

For centuries, the West’s strategy has been based on lies, double standards, racism, land occupation and support for terrorism, the head of Syrian diplomacy concluded.
