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Syria accuses Israel of State Terrorism (+Photo)

Damascus, Nov 5 (Prensa Latina) The Syrian Government on Sunday rejected the statements made by one of the ministers of the Israeli Government on the possibility of attacking Gaza with an atomic bomb, and described them as State Terrorism.

Amid the brutal massacres and the extermination war by the Israeli regime against the Palestinian people, one of the terrorist ministers of the Israeli Government made alarming threats to bomb the Palestinians in Gaza with atomic weapons, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed.

The Ministry indicated that this statement proves Israel’s terrorism, racism, extremism and brutality.

According to the statement, published by the official SANA news agency, these words confirm what Tel Aviv has been hiding for years about its possession of such weapons outside the international control system, with the support of its allies in the Government of the United States and the colonial West.

This is a serious threat to security, stability and people’s lives in the entire region, the text noted.

The Syrian Government strongly condemned these Israeli officials’ stances, and called on the international community and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to “take all measures and assume their responsibilities to subject Israel’s nuclear arsenal to the comprehensive safeguards program and to the systems of control of nuclear facilities and programs,” the Syrian Foreign Ministry concluded.
