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Cuban PM presents advantages of Cuba as a destination for China

Beijing, Nov 7 (Prensa Latina) The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, considered that the strengths of Cuba's tourism development lie in the country's security and connection routes with other destinations.

Marrero highlighted that these characteristics constitute attractions for international tourism, and China’s among them. According to him, unlike other regions of the world, “Cuba enjoys political stability, there is no organized crime, there is no kidnapping, we breathe citizen tranquility. (…) There is a public health system that allows us epidemiological security and the Cuban people are very hospitable and friendly to all the tourists who visit us,” he highlighted.

The Cuban leader added that due to its geographical position, Cuba can be used as a connection point to other parts of Latin America and the Caribbean, a characteristic that makes the country multi-destination.

Marrero spoke with tour operators and tourism workers in China about the attractions of Cuba and urged them to break the record for the number of Chinese visits to Cuba in one year, a figure that in 2018 was about 50,000.

For the Chinese, security is a necessary characteristic when choosing a destination, which they generally visit with their family or a group of friends. Something similar happens with the possibilities of connecting to other destinations, since Chinese citizens prefer to visit several countries when they travel abroad, mainly during the long holidays of the lunar New Year and National Day.

Elena Chen, general manager of the Tumei International Travel Agency of China, emphasized in statements to Prensa Latina the attractiveness of Cuba as a safe country, which also has a wide variety of gastronomic and cultural products that make it interesting for Chinese tourism.

“Our objective is to continue deepening exchanges between the two peoples, we are going to organize so that businessmen and investors learn about business opportunities in Cuba and attract more Chinese to visit Cuba,” she added.
