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cardiovascular Diseases first cause of death in Cuba

Havana, Nov 9 (Prensa Latina) Cardiovascular diseases are still today the first cause of death in Cuba and of complications and economic and work-related effects on society, said Dr. Eduardo Rivas, president of the Cuban Society of Cardiology.

In statements to Prensa Latina, the specialist pointed out that this phenomenon has been taking place on the island for more than 60 years and described it as the genesis of insufficiencies in production and incorporation to labor, since heart attacks and ischemic cardiopathy appear every day at an early age, precisely when human beings are most useful.

Cardiovascular diseases, he pointed out, recognized as endemic in the first world, also affect the family constitution and other aspects that express social and economic development and quality of life, a situation that is not exclusive to Cuba, since it appears in developed, developing, and poor nations.

Known as the great scourge of mankind in the last two centuries, this disease has a very significant impact on man and society at a global level, the physician said.

Talking about the 10th Cuban Congress of Cardiology, under the slogan Global Challenges to face cardiovascular diseases, he said that it opens positive expectations due to the presence of internationally renowned professionals, despite the country’s economic and material limitations.

He highlighted the participation and the conferences presented by Dr. Daniel Piñeiro, president of the World Federation of Cardiology and the American cardiologists Joseph Hill and Richard Chazal, as well as others from Ecuador, Spain, Argentina, Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom.

The idea is to have in our debates experienced experts on cardiovascular diseases, methods to analyze their causes, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation to reduce their many negative effects. Rivas said that Cuba will present the results and progress in cardiology based on primary health care, prevention programs and its professionals, who have a high scientific and medical level.


Fihav 2023 acoge I Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Empresarios

La Habana, 9 nov (Prensa Latina) La celebración de I Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Empresarios es hoy una de las actividades centrales de la 39 Feria Internacional de La Habana (Fihav 2023).

En el recinto ferial de ExpoCuba -hasta el 11 noviembre- esta jornada en la cita se realizarán dos presentaciones, una sobre la Cartera de turismo de incentivo de Gaviota S.A. y del Ministerio de Turismo.

La otra sobre política de comercio e inversiones de la Unión Europea (UE), con un enfoque especial en América Latina y el Caribe y Cuba, y las principales herramientas de facilitación.

A ellas se suman los Días nacionales de Francia, Irán, Alemania, y de la UE. El día anterior tuvo lugar el panel dedicado panel dedicado a la Unión Económica Euroasiática (UEE), oportunidades de inversión extranjera Cuba.

En ese espacio el miembro del Colegio y Ministro de Industria y Complejo Agroindustrial de la Comisión euroasiática, Artak Kamalyan, indicó que Cuba constituye uno de los socios estratégicos de la UEE en Latinoamérica y el Caribe.

Kamalyan señaló que los proyectos de inversión deben tener en cuenta: la base industrial, materia prima, fuerza laboral calificada y el potencial para realizar la producción, así como el acceso a estructura logística desde el punto de vista hacia los mercados claves de exportación; acompañado del desarrollo de cadenas de valor agregado y mecanismos de colaboración a nivel estatal donde participan institutos de desarrollo y sistemas mixtos de financiamiento.

