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Cultural festival leaves a mark among brother peoples (+Photo)

Havana, Nov 13 (Prensa Latina) The Festival of Cuban Residents Abroad wound up with a concert by pianist Nachito Herrera at Teatro Nacional de Cuba, a sign of the rapprochement between Cuban institutions and artists living outside Cuba.

The event also paid tribute to notable figures, such as Chano Pozo, Rita Montaner, Ernesto Lecuona, and Trio Matamoros, who have made history in Cuban music.

Since November 2, the “Cuba va conmigo” (Cuba Goes with Me) Cultural Festival has offered a broad program of relations among different cultural events and their creators.

Cuban artists from abroad join in a big concert of solidarity in defense of roots and traditions.

Another outcome was the collective exhibition “Territorio para pensar más allá del arte y las cartografías” (Territory for Thinking Beyond Art and Cartographies), in which Cuban abstract artists living abroad and in Cuba invited the public to look at itself from inside through abstract images at the International Press Center.

The happening was held in the context of the 45th anniversary of the 1978 Dialogue, which marked the relations between Cuba and its migration.

The exhibition “Con el rayo” (With the Lightning) by painter Umberto Peña (1937-2023) was another of the festival’s side events at the Experimental Graphic Workshop of Havana, located in the historic district of Old Havana.

The expo was included in the Visual Arts activities of the 2nd edition of the festival, in different Havana venues, which gathered more than 70 Cuban artists and writers living in 14 countries.
