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Paraguay and Argentina verify works on common waterway

Asuncion, Nov 14 (Prensa Latina) Paraguayan representatives on the waterway shared with neighboring states will participate from today in a verification of works in progress in that channel linked to the collection of a toll defended by Argentina and rejected by Asuncion.

A delegation of technicians from the Guaraní nation will accompany another from the neighboring country in this process of checking these installations in this international waterway, the newspaper Última Hora reported.

The objective is to navigate the section of the Hidrovia formed by the Paraguay and Paraná rivers and their tributaries, to verify navigability works that Buenos Aires claims to have built and whose investment it allegedly justifies with the tariffs charged to Paraguayan and other nations’ vessels.

Such facilities are the main Argentine argument for charging a fee of 1,47 dollars per ton of net register to foreign-flagged vessels, and another in Buenos Aires currency to those of the same nationality, Julio César Vera, director of the National Administration of Navigation and Ports, explained.

The trip this Tuesday will take about two or three hours, and will depart from the Argentine Port of Corrientes in a vessel of the Prefectura Naval de Buenos Aires, with the presence of three Paraguayans, among them a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Paraguay-Paraná Waterway, one of the largest navigable systems in the world, runs through Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, with an extension of 3,442 kilometers, from Puerto Cáceres in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, to the port of Nueva Palmira, in Uruguay.
