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Mongolia to provide Cuba with aid due to natural disasters

Ulaanbaatar, Nov 20 (Prensa Latina) Mongolian Foreign Minister B. Battsetseg assured that her country will provide humanitarian aid to the Cuban people, due to the economic difficulties caused by natural disasters.

The statement was made by Minister of the Mongolian foreign minister to Cuban ambassador in Ulaanbaatar Jorge Ferrer, during a meeting held in a fraternal and friendly atmosphere, according to diplomatic sources.

Ferrer thanked President Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh, the Government and the people of Mongolia, on behalf of his Cuban counterparts for the important gesture of solidarity and friendship, the Cuban Embassy informed.

During the meeting, they exchanged views on the development and expansion of the two countries’ traditional friendly relations.

The Cuban diplomat highlighted Mongolia’s support for Cuba’s presidency of the Group of 77 (G77) and China, with special mention to the Mongolian leader’s visit to Cuba on the occasion of the Summit of that bloc, held in Havana on September 15 and 16.

He also reiterated Cuba’s gratitude for Mongolia’s traditional support for Cuba’s resolution presented at the United Nations General Assembly, calling for an end to the US economic, commercial and financial blockade against the Cuban people. According to the Cuban Embassy, during the meeting they also discussed issues such as Cuba’s decision to increase university scholarships for Mongolian students, taking into account the traditional relations of friendship and mutual cooperation.

They also discussed the initiative of Cuba’s presidency of the G77+China to promote South-South cooperation, which was highly appreciated by the Mongolian foreign minister, the source pointed out.
