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Turkish President accuses Israel of killing journalists in Gaza

Ankara, Nov 24 (Prensa Latina) Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel on Friday of murdering journalists in charge of telling the world about the tragedy in the Gaza Strip since last October 7.

During an International Summit on Strategic Communication, organized by the Turkish Presidency, the head of State said that Israel especially kills journalists who try to report on ‘the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza, despite all the difficulties.’

As a result of these attacks, more than 60 journalists have been killed since October, he added.

Erdogan noted that ‘brutality is taking place in Gaza, where they have trampled on everything valuable to humanity.’

According to the TRT television channel, Erdogan affirmed that a massacre is taking place in that Palestinian territory, since the civilians attacked by Israel are not only children and women, but now it is also murdering journalists on duty.

The president warned that by cutting off electricity, water, fuel and food, Israel is committing a crime, and charged that Tel Aviv is preventing the disclosure of the truth about what has happened in that area.

He pointed out that in view of this, the United Nations Security Council is completely dysfunctional, and criticized the biased reporting by numerous international media outlets.
