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Nicaragua urges appointing a general secretary for SICA

Managua, Nov 29 (Prensa Latina) Nicaragua urged to act and proceed as soon as possible with the appointment of the new general secretary of the Central American Integration System (SICA).

The Nicaraguan Executive stated, at the ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the organization held in El Salvador, that this right corresponds to Nicaragua.

“The General Secretariat of SICA is of vital importance for the functioning of all other bodies and instances of the System. It is the engine of SICA. The functions of the secretary general are non-transferable and non-delegable,” stressed the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua, Denis Moncada.

Moncada spoke of the presentation by Nicaragua of the shortlist of candidates with their respective resumes and added that they are high-level officials, with an extensive track record of public service and a vast experience in the field of Central American integration.

He also valued the signing of the proposal to modify the agreement establishing the permanent Central American commission for the eradication of the production, trafficking, consumption, and illicit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Moreover, he welcomed the recommendation of the SICA Executive Committee related to the proposal of an Agenda for Institutional Strengthening and Legal Security to strengthen the governance and regional agendas of the system.

The Minister reiterated Nicaragua’s position of not supporting proposals for reforms to the Tegucigalpa protocol or a Central American integration treaty since they intend to transform the SICA into an “international organization that does not respond to the identity or reality of our integration process.”

“Our countries deserve to have a solid, sovereign integration process, free of external pressures and consistent with their most urgent needs: economic reactivation and the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger,” he stated, and called for working together so that Central America and the Dominican Republic be a region of peace, harmony, respect, and development for all.
