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India closes cycle as president of the G20

New Delhi, Nov 30 (Prensa Latina) India ends its cycle as president of the Group of 20 (G20) and gives way to Brazil’s leadership.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi sees this as continuing the dawn of a new multilateralism. The dignitary pointed out in an article that last year, India sought to offer the world an alternative to the status quo, a change from progress focused on the Gross Domestic Product to one with a focus on people. “When we assumed this responsibility last year, the global landscape faced multifaceted challenges such as recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, looming climate threats, financial instability, and debt overhanging in developing nations, all amidst declining multilateralism”, he opined.

Modi pointed out that his government aimed to “remind the world of what unites us, rather than what divides us. As a result, the global conversation had to evolve, as the interests of a few had to give way to the hopes of the many, which required a fundamental reform of multilateralism as we knew it.”

The prime minister noted that India’s approach to the G20 was defined as being inclusive, ambitious, action-oriented, and decisive, which is why the New Delhi Declaration, adopted unanimously, is a testimony to the commitment to comply with those principles.

He mentioned the importance of including the African Union (AU) as a permanent member, reflecting the integration of 55 nations of the continent and covering, by so doing, 80 percent of the world’s population.

This proactive stance has fostered a more comprehensive dialogue on global challenges and opportunities, he considered.

Modi added that India handed over the G20 Presidency to Brazil with the conviction that collective action for people, planet, peace, and prosperity will present for years to come.
