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UNEAC denounces attack on Cuban culture

Havana, Nov 30 (Prensa Latina) The National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC) on Thursday denounced an attack on Cuban culture from seven cities in the United States and Latin America through a festival organized by the so-called Hannah Arendt International Institute of Artivism.

In a press release published on the Internet, UNEAC pointed out that such an event has proposed to exhibit more than a dozen films with which they intend to rewrite history and falsify the realities of this nation, which defends its inalienable right to sovereignty, self-determination, and independence amid escalating and sustained hostility by US administrations, the document states.

The cultural institution that has brought together a group of Cuban writers and artists since 1961 emphasized that false interests, financed by funds, agencies, and foundations that depend on Washington and its South Florida-based subsidiaries or are fully identified with them in other places, are behind these actions.

“Artistic creation is not at the center of selection, but the media’s positioning against the Revolution and the presumption of sowing opinion that such productions are the only possible and achievable trend within the wide conceptual and aesthetic spectrum of current Cuban audiovisuals,” UNEAC pointed out. The text added that it is not a coincidence that the dates of the meeting coincide with the new call to the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema in Havana, an event where the best motion pictures made by regional filmmakers, which bets on a revolutionary and anti-imperialist cinema committed to the destinies of the most disadvantaged, are screened.

The event also coincide with the successful meeting on “The Nation and Emigration,” held on November 18-19, which brought the patriotic ideals of Cubans abroad closer than ever.

From UNEAC, we denounce the maneuver orchestrated by those who seek to undermine the nation’s pillars, and reaffirming our commitment to the most authentic artistic expressions,” the press release concluded.
