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Dominican Senate approves draft state budget

Santo Domingo, Dec 19 (Prensa Latina) The Senate of the Dominican Republic passed (17 votes in favor and nine against) the General State Budget Bill for next year.

The Budget received the green light from the senators of the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and the allied Christian Social Reformist and People First Parties.

The nine votes against were from the senators of the opposition parties Fuerza del Pueblo and Liberación Dominicana (Dominican Liberation).

The report, which was provided by the commission that analyzed and studied the estimate, highlights the allocations to social development that includes Education and Health as well the items allocated for citizen security.

Dominican president Luis Abinader explained in a communiqué to the National Congress that the aforementioned project significantly contemplates the granting of resources for the protection of the most vulnerable groups of the population.

Before being sent to the Executive Branch, it requires one more approval in the Upper House.
