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Cuba and Eurasian Economic Union strengthen relations

Havana, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuba and the Eurasian Economic Union confirmed on Monday their willingness to boost a greater expansion of economic and trade relations and bolster investment projects in strategic sectors for both sides.

In that sense, they highlighted the mutual interest in deepening the current integration links in the field of the circulation of medicines and medical devices, agricultural industry and business activities.

Among the priority sectors, stood out agricultural business, tourism, biotechnology, health and agriculture, particularly the opportunities open to boost investments in infrastructure.

Conversions responded to the celebration in Havana of the 3rd meeting of the Joint Commission between the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) and Cuba, under the leadership of Ricardo Cabrisas and Serguei Y. Glaziez.

Cabrisas, deputy prime minister and head of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment in Cuba, and Glaziez, minister of Integration and Macroeconomics of the EEC, underscored the full coincidence in the items addressed and urged for speeding up taking plans into action.

According to the Cuban leader, there are relevant milestones in the promotion of contacts, including the participation in the Havana International Fair and the visits of delegations from the Eurasian Economic Union to the Mariel Special Development Zone, in western Cuba, with the vision of building an industrial park on its premises. It was worth noting the missions of Cuban organizations and institutions to Russia and the Republic of Belarus in order to identify new opportunities for joint collaboration.

However, “the work done is insufficient and we are not satisfied with it,” Cabrisas assured and called for converting the commitments subscribed “into profitable and sustainable joint projects so as to build solid links that will allow us to take advantage of the existing opportunities for the benefit of mutual growth.

The deputy prime minister further called for growing contacts in strategic areas such as industry, biotechnology, food production, energy, transportation and logistics.

The authority spurred to concentrate efforts on projects of mutual interest and with real prospects for growth, profitability and sustainability, which contribute to exports, productive transformation and technological innovation.

At the end of today, Cabrisas and Glaziev signed the Protocol of the 3rd meeting, which reflects their shared willingness to move forward in various areas of bilateral and multilateral relations.

Since December 2020, Cuba has been an Observer State of the Eurasian Economic Union, and both Cuba’s President of the Republic Miguel Diaz-Canel and its Prime Minister Manuel Marrero have actively participated, alternately, in the organization’s Supreme and Intergovernmental Councils, respectively.
