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Cuba congratulates its scientists on Science Day

Havana, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel congratulated the island's scientists on the occasion of Science Day in the country.

Through his account on social network X, the head of State recognized the merits of Cuban science, which has earned a place of honor in society with its research and decisive results for the development of the country and the defeat of the blockade imposed by the United States.

On that platform, the president of the National People’s Power Assembly (Parliament), Esteban Lazo, congratulated the island’s scientific community, “whose results are the pride of the Homeland and a feat before the world”.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez also congratulated the nation’s scientists and extended his congratulations to researchers in the field of international relations for their contribution to a better management of the Revolution’s foreign policy.

Cuban Science Day was instituted on January 15, 1990 to recognize the work of the workers and the achievements of the country in this sphere.
