Monday, January 20, 2025
name of Prensa Latina
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Cuban National Hero Jose Marti is honored in Angola

Luanda, Jan 26 (Prensa Latina) Cubans and Angolans paid tribute on Friday to Cuban National Hero José Martí at the school that bears his name in this capital, on his 171st birthday on January 28.

Workers from the Cuban Embassy in Luanda, headed by Ambassador Oscar Leon, met with students and teachers in a simple reminder of the life and work of the Cuban patriot.

Martí’s love for children, expressed in the magazine La Edad de Oro (The Golden Age) and other writings, as well as his work for Cuba’s independence from the Spanish rule were highlighted by Ambassador León, who thanked all those present for the opportunity to remember the Cuban hero’s birthday in such a special place.

School Principal Elsa Seca expressed gratitude to the ambassador and the rest of the visitors, and pointed out that the school is a space of permanent link, friendship and solidarity between Angola and Cuba.

She commented that the teachers teach students about José artí and every year they commemorate the dates of his birth and death.

Some students recited Martí’s simple verses, which were written by a man who was also an important figure in Latin American literature in the 19th century.

They also laid white roses on the bust of the Cuban National Hero at the entrance of the school.

The ambassador and other officials from the Cuban Embassy toured the school and learned about the institution.

León signed the visitors’ book, in which he expressed his desire to continue to strengthen ties.

The José Martí School in Luanda, dedicated to primary education, has an enrollment of 865 students.
