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Construction of hospitals will strengthen health network in Honduras

Tegucigalpa, Feb 1 (Prensa Latina) The Government of Honduras will strengthen its health network with the construction of three new hospitals, which could begin to provide services by the end of 2025.

The Minister of Health, Carla Paredes, explained that the new health centers will decongest the Hospital Escuela and the Mario Catarino Rivas; and these will be able to attend patients with less pressure in medical specialties and will increase elective surgeries, and reduce emergency surgeries.

Paredes celebrated the approval in the plenary session of the National Congress of the loan for US$150 million granted by the Inter-American Development Bank for the design, construction and equipment of two hospitals for polytraumatized patients and another one located in the municipality of Roatán.

The government official described as necessary the expansion of the hospital network of this Central American nation due to the population growth, which prevents procurement to the current health care centers.

According to press reports, payments under the loan, including those under the concept of capital, interest, additional amounts, commissions and expenses, will be exempt from deductions, taxes, duties, fees and contributions, among other charges.

Miel Osorio, spokesman for the Honduran Ministry of Health, informed that the hospital planned for Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula will have a total of 310 beds.

The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, recently explained that investing in education and health is not an expense but the smartest and fairest investment that the government can make for the people.
