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President of Honduras highlights achievements in educational sector

Tegucigalpa, Feb 2 (Prensa Latina) The President of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, highlighted the achievements that her Government presents in Education which has the largest budget in the history of the country.

During the inauguration of the 2024 school year on Thursday, the head of state stated that education is a priority in the Government of democratic socialism. She also mentioned important actions implemented by her Executive such as free registration, school snacks and the repair of thousands of schools.

Castro added that this year the Executive and the Minister of Education will present the reforms to the curricular system in all education programs.“With free school enrollment in 2022-2023, more than 705 million lempiras (more than 28,621,000 USD) were allocated, benefiting more than 13 thousand educational centers nationwide,” she stressed.

The President recalled that the program, suspended in 2011 and reactivated at the beginning of her Government, made it possible to reverse behavior through an increase in students in schools.

She also pointed out that the literacy program “Yes I Can” is being carried out with the support of Cuba, which has allowed to date 100 municipalities to declare themselves free of illiterates after having educated more than 138 thousand Hondurans of all ages.

The “José Francisco Morazán” 2024 school year was inaugurated with the goal of having a coverage of 1.9 million students and with the novelty of including the civic education class that the Morazánic chair will implement throughout the country.

“In 2022, the first year of my Government, I ordered the Ministry of Education via decree to start the Morazánica program and guarantee secular, free and compulsory education. These actions characterize the development and consolidation of the Honduran educational system,” the President emphasized.
