Biden authorized the attacks on Friday, the same day the bodies of three U.S. military personnel killed in a drone operation over a U.S. military base in Jordan were returned.
The incident, which resulted in over 40 wounded, was the result – according to Joe Biden – of the actions by Iranian-backed groups. With this narrative, the Democrat opened another front of unfavorable conflict amid an electoral cycle in the Nov. 5 run-up.
Despite the fact that some asked President Biden to avoid a military response, the Democrat considered that “the United States does not seek conflicts in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world”.
“But all those who might seek to harm us – he warned – know this: if you harm an American, we will respond.
Like the White House and the Department of State (DoS), the Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin signaled that the U.S. is moving forward with a “multi-tiered response” that may include multiple military strikes. pll/oda/dfm