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U.S. wants to take electoral advantage of migration issue, says AMLO

Mexico City, Feb 8 (Prensa Latina) Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) on Thursday strongly condemned that the United States wants to take electoral advantage of migration issue in favor of parties in conflict.

To a question about the Republican rejection of the Democrats’ proposal to tighten the immigration policy, AMLO replied that Mexico is not anyone’s piñata and is awaiting the case it described as surreal since it was supposedly the most energetic reform of the Democrats who even talked about closing the border.

What is the explanation? Well, so that we all understand and do not worry about it, it is part of politics in electoral times, because it has to do with the anti-immigrant flag of the parties, and if there were an agreement like the one proposed, they would no longer be able to use it for their own interests, that is all!

What I am proposing, AMLO stated, is to regularize the situation of Mexican migrants who have been living and working honestly in the United States for over five years, and the party that offers this must have the support of Mexicans and Hispanics, because there are other people from different nationalities who have long been living in the United States.

When a party commits to this, whichever it is, it must formalize it, and if they invite me I will go, because immigrants contribute a lot to a nation´s economic progress, but their rights are not recognized, and they forget that this is a country (U.S.) of immigrants and its greatness since its foundation is due to them.

AMLO considered that if USD$20 billion per year were allocated to these countries, the migratory flow would be considerably reduced, because people flee from them out of necessity. And how US Congress and parties propose and applaud when they send resources for weapons in wars! But not USD$20 billion, much, much more.

How much the United States has sent for Ukraine? How much are they considering for the Gaza conflict? Plenty of money. And it turns out to be that it’s not on the electoral rope, but it is on the migrants’.

I am sure that American citizens are aware that a fundamental solution must be sought, and that is what we are proposing in here, AMLO explained.
