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Chilean government to create Reconstruction Committee after fires (+Photos)

Santiago de Chile, Feb 12 (Prensa Latina) The Chilean Minister of Social Development and Family, Javiera Toro, will lead the Reconstruction Committee, which will soon be created, to assist the areas affected by the fires in the region of Valparaíso.

In addition to the Minister of Social Development and Family, that Reconstruction Committee will be integrated by the heads of the Interior, Treasury, Public Works, Housing and Agriculture.

The fires affected the communes of Viña del Mar, Villa Alemana and Quilpué, and their damage is greater than that suffered by the region in February of last year.

The accidents are considered the worst disaster since the earthquake of February 2010, which left more than 130 dead and caused total or partial damage to some 15,000 homes, in addition to destroying small and family businesses.

In a visit this weekend to the areas hit by the catastrophe, the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, admitted that the task will be a difficult and long one. He also highlighted the importance of continuing active solidarity, since families have remained in precarious situations.

According to the mayor of Viña del Mar, Macarena Ripamonti, the repair in that commune alone will cost close to a billion dollars.

Asked about this, the Minister of Finance, Mario Marcel, said that work is being done to have a more precise figure, but he announced that it will be higher than those of all the emergencies of last year.

The Government has already delivered the so-called Recovery Bonus of 1,500,000 pesos (around 1,770 dollars) to nearly two thousand families each, and whose homes were destroyed by the flames. The process will continue this week until it exceeds six thousand homes.
