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Venezuelan Parliament rejects Emtrasur plane theft

Caracas, Feb 15 (Prensa Latina) The Venezuelan National Assembly agreed on Thursday to reject unanimously the theft of an Aerocargo del Sur Transport Company (Emtrasur)theft by the Government of the United States, with the Argentine authorities' complicity.

Through the draft agreement, the parliamentarians repudiated on Thursday the actions taken against the diplomatic personnel in Buenos Aires and supported the legal actions taken by the Bolivarian State for the return of the Boeing 747-300.

Upon presenting the document, lawmaker Blanca Eekhout stated parliamentarians support the government’s struggle to condemn and demand that “this crime against Venezuela be sanctioned” and the Emtrasur plane be returned.

Eekhout claimed they are facing “an act of robbery, piracy, and violation of sovereignty” and asked his colleagues to convey this message to the global parliaments so that they know about this situation “controlled by pirates.”

The Parliament’s First Vice President, Pedro Infante, commented on the value of the aircraft, an asset that, he said, represents 83 million dollars for the country, whose theft also reduces Venezuela’s operational capacity as part of the imperialist strategy of the United States.

Infante stated that this aircraft transported food, medicines, medical supplies, and spare parts for public services and the national oil industry.

The Bolivarian Government described the theft as a “shameful rapacious operation,” which has been included in the list of United States aggressions against Venezuela for more than a decade.
