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Cubans in Venezuela prioritize fight against US economic blockade

Caracas, Feb 26 (Prensa Latina) The fight against the United States blockade and the permanent rejection of Cuba's inclusion in Washington's State Sponsors of Terrorism (SSOT) list were two of the priorities discussed at the 5th National Meeting of the ACCREVEN, it was reported here on Monday.

Participants in the meeting of the Association of Cuban Residents in Venezuela (ACCREVEN), who met on February 23-24 in Valencia, Carabobo, also agreed to take actions to solve the migration regularization of its affiliates and to develop a communication strategy on social media.

They also decided to prioritize economic and business relations with Cuban entities, and strengthen the work and promotion of joint solidarity initiatives with Venezuela-Cuba friendship organizations, as well as holding events with children, adolescents and young people, according to a press release.

The debates were characterized by the “frankness of the approaches” and the proposals in search for solutions to the persistent “complex migration situation” of Cuban immigrants in Venezuela, among other issues.

ACCREVEN President Orelbis Reyes expressed his willingness to attend to the priority issues for the affiliates in their labor regularization, migration and academic updating, and in other important and complex matters that will be attended to.

It is a matter of looking for “concrete solutions” in the context of cooperation among the institutions that have the task of solving the problems faced by the community from a “proactive, integrating and unitary vision of the emigration with our homeland,” he pointed out.

The meeting was attended by José Mayo, second head of Cuba’s Diplomatic Mission in Venezuela; Consul General Ulises Barquín, and other members of the diplomatic mission, as well as the Bolivarian mayors of the city of Valencia and the municipality of Libertador in Carabobo, Julio Fuenmayor and Oscar Orsini, respectively.
