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Costa Rica conducts intensive program against the screwworm

San Jose, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) An intensive program of immediate action will be conducted by the Costa Rican Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock due to the soared presence of the screwworm, which reaches 300 cases in the country, that Ministry announced on Wednesday.

On the usual Wednesday press conference from the Presidential House, the minister explained that the program will be conducted over a two year term, which includes technical personnel in the field and in control and surveillance posts, acquisition of equipment, kits for catching worms and medicines, among others.

The authority explained that the US Government will donate nearly USD$10 million to Costa Rica to carry out control and eradication of the disease.

About 50% of the donated resources will be used to cover the cost of dispersing sterile male flies, which is the main technique used to eradicate the parasite.

The screwworm is a disease listed by the World Organization for Animal Health. The agricultural authority pointed out that its presence in the country would affect access to international markets and trade with other countries.

Since Costa Rica was declared free of the disease in 2000, no cases had been reported until 2023 when it became present again.
