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Rosatom restores physical protection of Zaporozhie nuclear plant

Moscow, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) The physical protection of the Zaporozhie nuclear power plant was restored, the general director of the Russian state corporation Rosatom, Alexei Likhachov, said on Wednesday.

‘The plant’s physical protection was repaired. It had been destroyed during the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,’ Likhachov said during a speech in the State Duma (lower house of the Russian parliament).

The Rosatom general director added that a canopy was built over the spent nuclear fuel storage facility.

All the processes at the plant are under control and there is no technological threat at the plant, Likhachov noted.

He explained that the experienced personnel at the facility, specialists from the federal environmental, technological and atomic inspection service, Rostekhnadzor, with the support from the Russian National Guard and radioactive, chemical and biological protection troops guarantee the safety of the plant.

However, the threat of shelling both the city of Energodar and the territory adjacent to the power plant remains, Likhachov added.

The Zaporozhie nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, is located in the town of Energodar, in Zaporozhie province, a territory that joined Russia in September 2022.
